
How are Companies Using Artificial Intelligence Today?

Companies using AI

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just the stuff of science fiction anymore, it is very much an actual phenomenon that’s being used in several different industries, if not most of them!

Companies are using artificial intelligence to streamline their processes, increase efficiency, and stay one step ahead of the competition, though there are still some hurdles to clear before this technology becomes mainstream and ubiquitous in our working lives.

No matter what industry you work in, AI has already touched your workplace. McDonald’s, for example, has spent many millions developing AI tools to improve how it can create “personalized recommendations” for its customers. Then there are businesses that use deep neural networks to help HR employees screen resumes more effectively by catching inconsistencies.

In a more serious example, some hospitals are using AI machines with built-in cameras and sensors that quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment for various illnesses. Clearly, AI is here to stay.

Here are six examples of how industries are using AI today to stay ahead of the curve.

AI in Healthcare 

AI is often used in healthcare settings to assess a patient’s condition and predict the next steps in their diagnosis or treatment plan. As this technology improves, patients can benefit from more efficient care because physicians and nurses receive a broader picture of their condition.

Doctors can have immediate access to a variety of specialized diagnostic tools, so they’re better able to provide personalized care that focuses on the individual’s needs. Nurses may also be better equipped to implement treatment plans with an AI teammate because they’ll know when adjustments need to be made based on clinical outcomes.

This both improves patient outcomes and saves money for hospitals. With the staff shortages affecting the industry right now, having an AI sidekick on the team can be really helpful to doctors and nurses.

AI in Advertising 

Advertising in AI starts with the ads themselves. AI can create ads by predicting what content will be most relevant to a certain user or group, and then creating content based on those terms.

Another way AI is used in advertising companies is through its ability to simulate campaigns. Companies can develop many campaign variations and can simulate outcomes using AI-powered systems. This would allow companies to predict which campaigns would be most effective, before even having to spend a dollar on advertising.

AI is also being leveraged to develop content quickly and cost-effectively, from blogs and product descriptions to video content, the use of AI content creation tools is quickly taking hold in marketing.

AI in Transportation 

One way AI is being used in transportation companies is by piloting trucks. A virtual driver system can take over the steering and driving when the human driver gets tired, thus allowing the human driver to rest.

While some may think this takes away the humanity of what truck drivers do, there is also talk about how these self-driving cars will be safer on the roads by making fewer mistakes than their human counterparts.

AI driverless truck

All in all, AI is providing transportation companies tools to make them more efficient and safe, not only just for their drivers but also for everyone else that shares the road.

AI in Banking

The financial services industry has always been ahead of the curve with AI use. As data-heavy organizations, banks, insurance companies, and other finance companies have always looked for opportunities to automate tasks that can be completed using software.

AI systems have been a boon for banking operations, helping them better predict customer behavior and respond proactively. These systems can also be used in fraud detection, which is an ever-present problem as hackers and fraudsters have become more sophisticated in their ability to commit fraud.

AI in Manufacturing 

Some manufacturing companies have been using industrial automation since its inception while others have only recently adopted it in the last decade or so.

With its use in factories, AI has increased efficiency by nearly forty percent and freed up employees for higher-skilled tasks like design, engineering, and quality assurance.

Assembly lines have become ever more “robot-driven”, with minimal human intervention. AI systems can also predict when machinery is malfunctioning, or getting close to malfunctioning, allowing employees to take preventative action.

Robots Manufacturing

Lastly, AI systems are improving supply chains from demand forecasting to logistic and delivery optimization.

AI in Education

Artificial intelligence is being used in education in a number of ways, including supplementing grading and even testing.

AI can use digital learning analytics and aggregate data from assessments like quizzes and essays. It is able to deliver instant feedback after reviewing this data, analyze the accuracy level, and provide teachers with insights on what areas to focus on for their students going forward.

Perhaps the most impressive use case is that by aggregating all this student data, AI can create unique learning pathways for students in what is referred to as “adaptive learning”.

The Disruptions Caused by AI

AI is still very much in the early stages, and there is a lot of room for improvement. However, the technology is disrupting many industries by allowing companies to leverage billions of data points in ways they had never been able to before.

What used to take hours can now take seconds with these technologies. As a result, businesses and their employees are finding themselves on shaky ground because they haven’t yet found ways to keep up with AI’s potential to disrupt the way they operate.

The most important thing that AI has done is level the playing field. By democratizing machine learning capabilities, these AI-powered machines give organizations more opportunities for innovative ways of thinking, increasing the likelihood of finding a profitable product or service. The future looks bright for AI-led change!

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